Enabling Enterprise Mode

To enable Enterprise Mode for your dApps on Testnet, please use this official tool. You will need to connect your wallet, enter the contract address, and confirm it with your wallet. Please make sure you're using the Pegasus Testnet.

The access will be granted automatically, and from then on, when your whitelisted Enterprise Account initiates a transaction, the gas price for a quota-spending transaction is set to 0. This enables you to send transactions without holding ETH or incurring fees.

For Enterprise Mode to function correctly, ensure that you set tx.recipient = whitelisted contract and tx.gasPrice = 0.

If you wish to use Enterprise Mode on Mainnet, please contact the LightLink team on Discord. First, the quota size and prepaid fees will be discussed. Then, our developers will guide you through the process, assist with integrating Enterprise Mode in client-related smart contracts, and provide ongoing support.

Last updated