Developer AI Support
assisterr is an AI chatbot platform, specifically crafted for Web3 devs, designed to accelerate onboarding and simplify development.
assisterr is trained on a wide range of LightLink and Ethereum tech documentation to create an extensive knowledge base about a project and its technology. Users simply input a prompt, similar to ChatGPT, and receive clear, human-readable response or instructions.
Examples of questions that assisterr can help with:
How to set up a Solidity environment
How to use specific functions
How to test and deploy your project
How to enable Enterprise Mode on LightLink
Ask assisterr in the 'developers-ask-ai' channel on our Discord:
Type "/" followed by "Ask," and then write your question.
assisterr will provide an answer and link to external resources if possible.
If it wasn't helpful, developers can create ask their questions in the 'developers' channel.
Last updated